Released on August 10, 2018 at Disney Parks, featuring Mickey ear hats representing our favorite Disney Princesses, including Cinderella, Snow White, Mulan, Merida, Tiana, Ariel, Jasmine, Belle, Rapunzel, Pocahontas, and Aurora.
Princess Ear Hat Tote by Dooney & Bourke
Retail price: $268
Princess Ear Hat Crossbody by Dooney & Bourke
Retail price: $228
Princess Ear Hat Wristlet Wallet by Dooney & Bourke
Retail price: $128
Princess Ear Hat MagicBand by Dooney & Bourke
Can’t make it to the park? Connect with a personal shopper to arrange a park pickup.
Friday 10th of August 2018
Thanks for sharing! I think this bag is cute! I don’t see it online yet...