How to Spot a Fake Disney Dooney and Bourke Bag

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Counterfeiting is big business! According to Forbes, counterfeiting is the largest criminal enterprise in the world. Oftentimes, counterfeiters lure consumers into purchasing fake goods because the price points are just too good to pass up. Unbeknownst to them, these buyers do real damage to legitimate businesses. Like many other name brands, fake Dooney & Bourke bags can be found in the marketplace, including fake Disney Dooneys. Understanding how to avoid purchasing counterfeit accessories helps collectors to avoid disappointment.

White Sketch Letter Carrier Comparison - Left is Genuine and Right is Fake
White Sketch Letter Carrier Comparison – Left is Genuine and Right is Fake

Are Counterfeit Goods Really that Bad?

The availability of counterfeit products has grown over 10,000% in the last two decades.  The United States, Italy and France are among the countries most negatively affected by counterfeiting. These countries thrive on producing high-value products that are protected by intellectual property rights and trademarks. By 2017, the U.S. was estimated to be losing up to $600 billion each year. Buyers might see a “good deal” but not fully understand how their buying decisions have worldwide consequences. China is the major producer and supplier of counterfeit goods worldwide, while the United States is the largest consumer of fakes. Buyers also might find themselves with a cheap knockoff that falls apart after a few uses. Counterfeit goods are made using cheap and potentially hazardous materials that may be harmful to consumers and the environment.  

Video by Rose F.

Fake Disney Dooney and Bourke Bags

Dooney & Bourke, founded by Peter Dooney and Frederic Bourke, is renowned as a luxury handbag brand that exemplifies quality craftsmanship. Their meticulously designed bags reflect a commitment to durability and timeless style, earning them a prestigious place in the fashion industry.

In today’s market, even fake Disney Dooney and Bourke bags can be found for sale. Disney Dooney & Bourke fans should use caution when purchasing bags that seem to be priced low because they might be fakes. 

Currently, there are several known counterfeit Disney Dooney & Bourke handbags available on the market. These bags are produced illegally in China. Bags in the White Sketch print on coated cotton in two silhouettes: the letter carrier crossbody bag and the small satchel as well as the White Nylon Sketch Backpack are examples of counterfeit Disney Dooney and Bourke items that we found for sale. 


White Sketch v3 Small Satchel
Genuine Disney Dooney & Bourke White Sketch Small Satchel

Make sure you are buying genuine Dooney & Bourke Disney products by purchasing directly from Disney Store.

Shop on Disney Store

Sketch v3 Crossbody
Genuine Disney Dooney & Bourke White Sketch Letter Carrier / Crossbody

Can You Tell the Difference?

Because the sale of counterfeit accessories is such a big moneymaker, it is getting more and more difficult to spot the real items from the fakes. Some bags are even produced in the same Chinese factories as the authentic goods without permission to do so.

Fake Disney Dooney & Bourke Crossbody Letter Carrier
Fake Disney Dooney & Bourke Crossbody Letter Carrier

Even with side by side comparisons of the authentic Dooney & Bourke x Disney White Sketch small satchel, it is hard to tell which one is fake and which one is genuine. Unfortunately, the prints look extremely similar, but there are a few ways to spot the fakes.  

Authentic White Sketch Small Satchel
Authentic White Sketch Small Satchel

Counterfeiters go to great lengths to make the copies look as similar as possible. Can you tell the difference between the counterfeit Disney Dooney bag and the authentic one? Even seasoned collectors have a hard time spotting a fake bag. 

Counterfeit White Sketch Small Satchel
Counterfeit White Sketch Small Satchel

Given that some counterfeit bags are made with the same materials in the same factory as the authentic ones, it can be hard to tell a real from a fake. 

How to Spot Differences Between the Real versus Fake White Sketch Print

With the help of our friends from Disney Dooney & Bourke Fans, we would like to share with you some of the ways you can spot the differences between authentic and counterfeit White Sketch Print bags. The differences are extremely subtle and require a close look to see them.

On the genuine print, the Walt Disney World and Disneyland banners show three large green lines and a fourth small green line above the banner. The copy has only three large green lines and is missing the fourth small one. 

Real vs. Fake White Sketch Banner Differences
Real vs. Fake White Sketch Banner Differences – Photo from Disney Dooney & Bourke Fans

Taking a closer look at the Cheshire Cat, you can see that his eyes are yellow on the real bag, but are white on the fake counterfeit version. 

Real vs. Fake White Sketch Cheshire Cat Differences
Real vs. Fake White Sketch Cheshire Cat Differences – Photo from Disney Dooney & Bourke Fans

A third difference is that the circles on the inside of the orange balloon should all be white. In the counterfeit version, they are not. 

Real vs. Fake White Sketch Orange Balloon Differences
Real vs. Fake White Sketch Orange Balloon Differences

Lastly, on the authentic print, the yellow lines surrounding Chip & Dale shouldn’t touch the bottom of the Disneyland banner. On the fake handbags, they do touch the bottom.

Real vs. Fake White Sketch Chip and Dale Differences
Real vs. Fake White Sketch Chip and Dale Differences

Fake White Nylon Sketch Backpack

Counterfeiters have taken two different authentic Disney Dooney & Bourke backpacks and combined them to make their own version of the White Nylon Sketch Backpack. The fake backpack is basically the Shanghai Disneyland Backpack silhouette with a counterfeit version of the U.S. Disney Parks Nylon Sketch design printed on it.

Shanghai Sketch Backpack vs Fake Sketch backpack
Shanghai Sketch Backpack vs Fake Sketch backpack – Photo of fake from Disney Dooney& Bourke, Samantha Thavasa, Lesportsac and more!

A few of the noticeable differences between the U.S. Disney Parks Nylon Sketch backpack and the fake Sketch backpack are that the authentic version has a rainbow zipper and no side pockets. The fake does not have a rainbow zipper and does have side pockets. Another sign is that the real version has a leather Dooney & Bourke label, while the fake has a metal Dooney & Bourke label. The genuine bag also does not have the leather trim piping on the top flap that the fake has. 

Nylon Sketch Backpack vs Fake Sketch Backpack
Nylon Sketch Backpack vs Fake Sketch Backpack – Photo of fake from Disney Dooney& Bourke, Samantha Thavasa, Lesportsac and more!

Lastly, the fake version of the bag features Q’araq the Shanghai Disneyland crocodile, who would not appear on the real version. 

Fake White Sketch Backpack - crocodile
Fake White Sketch Backpack crocodile: Photo of fake from Disney Dooney& Bourke, Samantha Thavasa, Lesportsac and more!

Fake Bambi and Forest Friends Bags

Unfortunately, scammers have become rampant on Facebook, posting ads for Disney Dooney & Bourke bags that are priced way below retail price. However, the scammers’ methods may differ. Some scammers take your money and run, while others wind up sending extremely poor quality copies of the Disney Dooney and Bourke product that look nothing like the bag in the advertisement. 

Most recently, scammers have placed ads on Facebook advertising the Bambi and Forest Friends Collection at a deeply discounted price.

Example of a Facebook scam ad for Bambi Dooney and Bourke Bags
Example of a Facebook scam ad for Bambi Dooney and Bourke Bags

In contrast to some of the other counterfeit purses we have found, these bags are of terrible quality and material. With only a glance, any true Disney Dooney and Bourke collector can tell these are inauthentic knockoffs. 

Counterfeit Bambi Satchel and Wristlet
Counterfeit Bambi Satchel and Wristlet – Photo by Jil S.

We have found photographs of the fake Bambi satchel and wristlet. The material appears to be vinyl rather than coated cotton. The bag lacks the Dooney and Bourke metal emblem, and the hang tag is not embossed as it should be.  Additionally, the satchel is shapeless. 

Fake Bambi Satchel
Fake Bambi Satchel – Photo by Amy B.

Close-ups of the wristlet reveal poor quality stitching that is already fraying on the fake leather seam, and again the Dooney and Bourke metal label is missing from the front. 

Fake Bambi Wristlet
Fake Bambi Wristlet – Photo by Keri P.

The back of the wristlet is also printed upside-down. 

Counterfeit Bambi Wristlet back
Counterfeit Bambi Wristlet back – Photo by Keri P.

Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 Bags

We recently discovered fake versions of several silhouettes from the Haunted Mansion 2020 Collection being sold on ebay. Again, these knockoffs are horribly constructed and also do not bear the Dooney & Bourke logo.

Fake Haunted Mansion 2020
Fake Haunted Mansion 2020

The counterfeit version of the Haunted Mansion 2020 satchel has a metal plate on the front, but it does not bear the Dooney & Bourke label on it. 

Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 (back)
Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 (back)

The bag looks to be made out of a plastic or vinyl material and clearly is not a genuine article. 

Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 (bottom)
Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 (bottom)

Additionally, you can see the threads separating in the stitching. Any collector would recognize that this bag is a knockoff and not the real thing.  

Counterfeit Haunted Mansion 2020 Wallet
Counterfeit Haunted Mansion 2020 Wallet

The wristlet wallet from the Haunted Mansion 2020 Collection has also been counterfeited. This wallet also does not bear the metal Dooney and Bourke plate on the front. 

Knockoff Haunted Mansion 2020 Wallet (back)
Knockoff Haunted Mansion 2020 Wallet (back)

Again, the stitching and material are extremely poor and easily recognized as fake. 

Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 Wallet (interior)
Fake Haunted Mansion 2020 Wallet (interior)

Where to Buy Genuine Disney Dooney Bags

If you are looking to purchase the White Sketch Small Satchel or Letter Carrier or Bambi Collection, we strongly recommend that you purchase it directly from Disney Parks, Disney Store, or a trusted personal shopper. Buying these bags from a reseller or second hand is not advised. While fake bags can sell for $40-$50, the real thing retails between $178 and $198. If it is too good to be true, it probably is!

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Pin me - Beware of Fake Disney Dooney & Bourke Bags
Pin me – Beware of Fake Disney Dooney & Bourke Bags

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PLEASE share with your Disney purse friends so they don’t get scammed!


    1. Yes, we have seen it too. Please continue reporting to Facebook. There is, unfortunately, nothing we can do. We posted comments on the ads ourselves to warn buyers but the comments get deleted. 🙁

  1. They also do not ship the product. I purchased from the site. I purchased the Bambi Dooney and Bourke purse and wallet. They took my money, but never shipped it. I have filed a complaint with Shopify and with PayPal. Hopefully they get shut down.

    1. Did you ever hear back from paypal, I’m currently fighting them because their tracking says my package was delivered but I have ko product.

  2. Hello! What about the tags on the inside? How can you tell real ones from possibly fake? Do they even do anything with the tags on the inside and the stamped ID numbers. I have one in question…

    1. @Leslie Vaughn, the official bag should have a brass plate with Dooney & Bourke printed on it, but one of the fakes has Doonfy & Bourkke on a faux leather badge. Also, there’s no bright red on the original bag design, and the liner is a bright lime green instead of an almost emerald green. Plus, it lacks the interior tags.

  3. I’m just mortified…I purchased a Disney haunted mansion purse and wallet set..over 400…and when it arrived the gold plates did not have the dooney and bourke logo and the inside didn’t have any printing. The pictures when I purchased it didn’t show this. And now the person is uncontactable. Make sure to get all info! This is a mess!! I’m very sad

    1. @K. Connor, 2018 HM bags advertised on Facebook a year ago. Now they are showing up on eBay. I kept trying to tell people for months not to buy. It’s so sad.

  4. If you spot a fake turn these people in on EBay – eBay takes this seriously – and most of FB stuff is known to have problems! They don’t regulate !

  5. Where can I find the jasmine bag and the lady and the tramp bag? I’ve been really wanting them but unfortunately I got scammed when I thought I was buying them off some woman. Will you all be getting more in to sell?

  6. I purchased a Disney Dooney & Bourke sketch wristlet on eBay that has the Disney Parks tag, but not the DB tag with serial number. I checked all the things you pointed out on this post, and it has all the earmarks of being real. Plus the seller had a proof of authenticity. Should I be worried that it doesn’t have a DB tag?

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